장치 사양 1) MIcri CPU Based CH4 CO2 N2O 폐수 및 토양 샘플 온실가스 발생 농도 채집 측정 장치 Model Airwell Plus7 gh CH4 N2O CO2 : Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometry (TDLS) and Infra NDIR Accuracy : ± 2% of reading or, ± 0.1 ppm ~1 ppm Zero drift : over 2 h period - 2% reading Span drift : over 8 h period - within Accuracy Max. error on temp. comp of reading/°C : < 0.1 % Linearity - included in the accuracy Cross talk/interference - Gas matrix and application dependent Range : 0-100, 500, 1000, 5000 ppm , ~ % ( 주문시 문의) Displayed resolution : 0.1 ppm (negative values can also be displayed) * A: For Ambient temperature sample Meas. gas max. humidity abs. H20 % application dependent, needs calibration Weight : about 10 kg, Case material : Anodized white aluminium Dimension : 19 Inches Rack mountable / Table Top Depth 600 (mm) 3 points Sample Control System Other Gas sensing & Parameter ( Please consult ) Airwell+7 gh General Specification Display : High resolution : High resolution 7 inches Color Touch screen display Operational power : 220VAC 50/60 Hz Bulit-in Micro sampling pump : Sample flowrate 100 cc/min ~1 liter/min Made in Korea ( KINSCO Technology ) 제조원 (주)한국산업기기 2) Windows Base Airwell+7e CH4 CO2 N2O 온실가스 측정 장치 Operating System Max memory Windows OS Slot 2, Intel chipset, High speed USB 3.0, Graphyic (On-borad VGA D-SUB) Giga byte LAN Operation condition of detection unit - Important : Reference conditions, external: 20°C – 23°C, 920 -1020 hPa, 40 to 50% r.H. Principle of detection - CH4 N2O NH3 H2O H2S CO2 Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometry (TDLS) Accuracy : ± 2% of reading or, ± 0.1 ppm Zero drift : over 2 h period - 2% reading Span drift : over 8 h period - within Accuracy Max. error on temp. comp of reading/°C : < 0.1 % Linearity - included in the accuracy Cross talk/interference - Gas matrix and application dependent Displayed resolution : 0.1 ppm (negative values can also be displayed) 3) Model : Airwell + 7e TDLAS Compact A ( Table top 과 휴대 이동형) Airwell + 7QP QCL+ PAS (0.05ppm 정밀도 양자폭레이져 광음향 분석 방식) Meas. gas max. humidity abs. H20 % application dependent, needs calibration Weight : about 10 kg, Case material : Anodized white aluminium Dimension : 19 Inches Rack mountable / Table Top Depth 600 (mm) Options : 1. Temperature , Humidity or Flow sensor 2. 5 points Sample Control System 3. Other Gas sensing & Parameter ( Please consult ) Airwell+7 General Specification Display : High resolution : High resolution 7 inches Color Touch screen display Operational power : 220VAC 50/60 Hz Data Memory : over 4 Giga Byte 2 USB ports for the data collction and External keyboard/Mouse Bulit-in sampling pump : Sample flowrate 1~5 liter/min Made in Korea ( KINSCO Technology ) 제조원 (주)한국산업기기 |